Wednesday, July 09, 2008

...when you're having fun


Wow. I knew I hadn't posted in a while, but it would seem that the timing for my last post happened to fall just at the eve of many things changing for me. I will get to all of that.

I will admit that I have found myself in a situation with this blog, which very closely echoes a problem I have experienced more than once in the past. Over the years, beginning in my early teens, I have kept writings. Be they poems or some form of journal, I have had a long history of...attempting to write. And therein lies the rub. As I have found out, over the years, inspiration comes in waves. In the first years, it went fluid. I once filled every page of a five-subject notebook with poems for a girl who I was only ever in proximity to. I would sit in a hall or across a room and just...write. As the years have passed, my desire and discipline to write has waned, and only sometimes surfaced, less and less frequently. This formed an interesting issue.

Though I find that the interest to write resurfaces now and again, I often end up doing nothing because of an inherent problem. Each time I would feel compelled to write, most often in a pre-existing journal, the fact that so much time had passed since my previous entry leaves me with far too many of life's experiences having happened to skip, in order to simply say what I intend. This continuous problem has led me to simply live my life, without attempting to document it.

I suppose that the simple way to describe the problem is that I have had a lack of interest (or focus, or ability to focus on my interests). This is specifically in regards to the long-term.

It's rather the opposite with immediate interests. I become so fully engrossed in what my current fascinations are, that I spend the majority of my time thinking about them, when not able to actually be hands-on. The success with which I am able to balance these interests with the rest of my life varies, from time to time.

But things have changed in the 15 years since that notebook of poems. The fact that I am writing this on my phone means a LOT has changed. And perhaps my issue lies directly in the attempt at keeping a journal, full of chronological entries, recording every major journal-worthy event. I simply forget to record them. Time has proven that. I certainly haven't done much to help maintain Posterity's good name.

So, I have let time sneak by, the fact that I had near-empty blogs going to waste (which, in this digital format, can only be measured by the date stamps fixed to the last entries), returning to mind numerous times. And each time, I have avoided them altogether, out of embarrassment over the time I have let pass. Were it myself alone who knew of these dormant blogs, the issue would be minimal. My error to surpass has been in the small, inescapable fact that I let others know of my blogs at their inception. Ugh.

The single event that brought me around, only just this week, was in watching an innocent little podcast. It is a podcast that I enjoy regularly, but this is probably due to the fact that it has never before spoken directly to my inadequacies. The particular "episode" (if you will) that moved me to action, spotlighted a website devoted entirely to One-Post Blogs. They have sought out and brought to the public eye scores of failed attempts. It's a group whose company I was inadvertently keeping, who had an idea and let it get away from them. This was enough to get me going. After all, who really wants to be one of those guys?

And this is what interests me the most. My love of all things "tech," and the ways that they define how we share who we are, brings so many possibilities to light. And with such ease we enjoy these tools. I won't go into a spiel about what has undoubtedly been a topic of much discourse, but will simply claim an interest in the ways it has affected me greatly, particularly in recent months. But that is for next time.

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