Previously, I made reference to timing; how things had changed, new things coming from where I was, when posting the entry before. I promised to get to it later, and so, without further ado, here it is*:
Thanks in large part to Violet, I was able to get a PS3** in mid-December. I was, apparently, having a tough week, so she decided to order it for me with the credit card. She's just that cool. We had discussed my interest in getting one, and had made the "when" plans. She decided to forego those plans, in order to surprise me and to put me in better spirits. It worked. She came into the living room, having explained that she had gotten me a gift but, not being a Christmas gift, she wanted me to open it immediately. As soon as she left the room and came back in, pulling this large box behind her, I knew what it was. Man, was I freaked! So, that led to Christmas, and getting a few games for it. And, after the new year, I got myself a couple more.
I also got Violet a new computer for Christmas (man, I love having a Dell account!). While this was a great update for her, it left me in the lurch, regarding one small but important function. I had this great 20GB touch-screen Olympus mp3 player/camera. Yes, they dabbled briefly in the mp3 player market, adding their own little touch (the camera). Unfortunately, having backed out of the market quickly, before Windows Vista had come out, the desktop software only worked with XP. I had gotten my laptop some time ago, with Vista on it, and realized my problem. I solved it by having the software on Violet's computer. Once both computers were running Vista, I had no way of ever syncing my mp3 player again.
So, I found myself in need of a new mp3 player. Of course, being a tech...enthusiast (ed.: attempting to disregard the fact that "tech junkie" was the first phrase that came to mind), I thought to myself, "Awe shucks! It looks like I need to do a little shopping." What I came up with, and ordered, was an 80GB Zune.
All the pieces were in place, and so it began.
*It should here be noted that I have inadvertently (of this, I swear) misled you, the reader. I have not, in fact, gotten to the subject matter I promised earlier. There has been further ado. Know this: I have now placed the pieces; described the setting and elements involved. Nothing remains, but to get to it.
Only the story itself remains.....for next time.
**It should also be noted that, when discussing my purchase of a PS3, it was agreed that I could also get a PSP, which I did in January as well. This, of course, just put the level of my being spoiled...over the top. I took it surprisingly well, considering I had almost never before been spoiled.
The Totally Rad Show - Final Episode
12 years ago
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